Sweet Memories!

I am delighted when I look at all these happy faces!

In the midst of a free extra tuition class that I conducted not long ago, an idea suddenly popped out 
and so I called in a break time.
Looking at all these poor stressed out faces of my students, I couldn’t help to cast away their 
stress on studying, but a sudden urge of treating them came up.
“Desserts! Is what you get when you spell stressed backwards.”
I hope to rejoice and rejuvenate them, at the same time sending across a message that tuition is fun 
with Mr. Austin! I want to see those cheerful smiles again!
And so we quickly took everyone’s order and drove off to McD (That magic happy meal that 
always bring joy to kids!).
There are plenty of laughter session that followed up from this treat and I am certainly overjoyed!
Hope you boys and girls enjoy the treat and study hard alright!
To me, tuition is more like a gethering session with your friends, updating and chit chatting away! 
Just that you are having intellectual conversation with me and your dear friends.
Take it as a productive gathering session, where you can spend time usefully and gain knowledge at 
the same time. Killing two birds with one stone!
Try to change how you think of tuition and you will certainly enjoy my tuition session more.
“If you can’t change the circumstances, you can change your perspective on looking at things.”

Tuition shouldn’t be treated as dreadful, whereas it should be happy and stress-free! Plus the 
environment is especially conducive here when you are studying together with your friends, 
knowing that you are not alone!

As the adage goes, a picture paints a thousand words, and now I will let the picture do the talking!

Running A Race

Have you ever join a marathon run before?

Yes, first of all, it takes a whole lot of effort in getting out of your comfort zone to sign up for the run. Once joined, there is no turning back. This will then be follow up with plenty of exhaustive training and muscle ache. 

However, you will realize that the more you train the more your stamina goes up. This is exactly the same as your studies. The more you revise, the more you could grasp the knowledge.

The key here is on the quality of studying time. It is the quality that counts, not the quantity. If you put your full attention and focus for an hour on studying, you would be amazed by how much you have covered, instead of spending hours and hours in front of the book, distracted and day dreaming. The emphasis of self-discipline is necessary for productive study time, thus, keep all your technology gadgets away while studying! Your friends could wait for an hour without your reply.

In addition, try forming a study group. A study group would benefit you and your friends in many ways. You all get to exchange and share information on tips and methods of studying. However, please do take precaution as to not drift off from your study. The group leader needs to monitor the progress and avoid chit chatting and gossiping away among the group.

Just like how athletes would like to train together. They motivate and encourage each other to strive for their best. Pushing each other over their limits and breaking boundaries.

Thus, if you have chosen to join the race, it takes massive amount of perseverance in training and preparing yourself for the run.

The starting would be difficult of course, however once you have breakthrough and persevere, crossing the finishing line would be just the matter of time. It is you whom you have to beat. Take off all your weary attitude and start training (studying) now!

Imagine, the moment you caught sight of the finishing line and the sceneries of people awaiting and cheering for you. The sudden rush of adrenaline gushed up and filled your body with strength, increasing your stamina to cross the finishing line.

Ah… The moment of joy and relieve once you step pass the finishing line is indescribable. The sense of achievement… So rejuvenating!

You would then discover that all the efforts put in training are well worth it and towards the end of the day, you would realize that the run isn’t that bad after all. Then, you sign up for another marathon run again. This…, is the addiction to success.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit.
 Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
 – Muhammad Ali

PS: Your race (SPM & IGCSE) timetable 2013 has been announced! All the best for your preparation! =D
“Run, Forrest. Run!”

SPM 2013 Timetable 

IGCSE November 2013 Timetable
 (Malaysia is under Administrative Zone 5)

Please take note of SPM & IGCSE Additional Mathematics and Mathematics exam schedule:
SPM Mathematics (Paper Code 1449) Paper 1 & 2: 18th November 2013 (Monday) 8am

SPM Additional Mathematics (Paper Code 3472) Paper 1 & 2: 21st November 2013 (Thursday) 8am

IGCSE Additional Mathematics (Paper Code 0606) 
Paper 1: 28th October 2013 (Monday) 

Paper 2: 11th November 2013 (Monday) 

IGCSE Mathematics (Paper Code 0580 without coursework) 
Paper 2: 5th November 2013 (Tuesday) 
Paper 4: 7th November 2013 (Thursday)

If you need a reason for taking SPM, kindly visit http://mrsaimun.blogspot.com/2013/09/spm-result-slip-its-value.html for all the right reasons =)

An Inspirational Running Video for sharing:

I hope you enjoy running towards your A race.

Feel free to leave comments / opinions / suggestions / feedbacks. It is highly appreciated!  Thank you!

Why Additional Mathematics

Have you heard of the quote?

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”
-Jimmy Johnson

It simply means that you have to put in extra effort in everything you do to achieve the extraordinary result, outstanding the ordinary.

The same goes to additional mathematics. Why “additional” mathematics? What is the “additional” for?
The word “additional” indicates a more advance mathematics, unlike the normal mathematics. Higher level of mathematics including algebra, trigonometry, geometry and et cetera are elements of many science foundation. You might not have notice, however its existence is everywhere in our daily life! Especially now that we are marching towards the modern world of technology, additional mathematics plays a crucial role.

Many professional jobs out there need additional mathematics as basic requirements. Actuary, architect, engineering, statistician, quantity/building surveyor, operations manager, business & management, and et cetera, just to name a few. What do you have in mind for your future? If you have not decided on what career you would like to pursue, you should start thinking now and this site might serve as a reference. <http://jobs.lovetoknow.com/list-careers-mathematics-majors>. This web page provide some insights on mathematics-related career.

So, why study additional mathematics?

Primarily, additional mathematics help stimulates and develop critical thinking of a person. Most of the formulas are derived from the basic concept. You will need to know the steps to derive and thinking out of the box. Once you have understood and grab hold of the basics, the rest would be just at the tip of your finger.

Furthermore, additional mathematics promotes problem solving skills. This is closely related to identifying, analyzing and reasoning as well. Through this, I am able to view how diligent a student is in tackling a problem, it shows where their strength and weaknesses lies. Thus, providing a platform for me to guide them for improvement.

On the side track, to those of you whom are curious why do I enjoy teaching additional mathematics? My reason is simple. I am doing what I love to do! I love this subject and I would like to share my knowledge with my students. Besides, I have a bunch of cool students as well! (Though sometimes giving me a headache, but I still love them!) I am pleased when my students appreciate this subject like how I do. Seeing my students slowly gaining confidence in additional mathematics is delighting. Plus, there is a sense of fulfillment and achievement when my students score with flying colours, that is when you know those extra effort are well worth it.

You may not be able to see the value of what additional mathematics can provide you in real life just yet, however, trust me, down the road you will be thankful that you have taken this subject and that it has many relation to your life after all.

I hope this post has served you well and solve some of your inquiries of why study additional mathematics.

[do you know?]                      
The positive quadratic equation graph is always a smiley face and

the negative quadratic equation graph is always a sad face. 

[Just for laugh]
Q: Why do the math book look so sad?
A: Because it has so many problems!


Feel free to leave comments / opinions / suggestions / feedbacks. It is highly appreciated!  Thank you!