Sweet Memories!

I am delighted when I look at all these happy faces!

In the midst of a free extra tuition class that I conducted not long ago, an idea suddenly popped out 
and so I called in a break time.
Looking at all these poor stressed out faces of my students, I couldn’t help to cast away their 
stress on studying, but a sudden urge of treating them came up.
“Desserts! Is what you get when you spell stressed backwards.”
I hope to rejoice and rejuvenate them, at the same time sending across a message that tuition is fun 
with Mr. Austin! I want to see those cheerful smiles again!
And so we quickly took everyone’s order and drove off to McD (That magic happy meal that 
always bring joy to kids!).
There are plenty of laughter session that followed up from this treat and I am certainly overjoyed!
Hope you boys and girls enjoy the treat and study hard alright!
To me, tuition is more like a gethering session with your friends, updating and chit chatting away! 
Just that you are having intellectual conversation with me and your dear friends.
Take it as a productive gathering session, where you can spend time usefully and gain knowledge at 
the same time. Killing two birds with one stone!
Try to change how you think of tuition and you will certainly enjoy my tuition session more.
“If you can’t change the circumstances, you can change your perspective on looking at things.”

Tuition shouldn’t be treated as dreadful, whereas it should be happy and stress-free! Plus the 
environment is especially conducive here when you are studying together with your friends, 
knowing that you are not alone!

As the adage goes, a picture paints a thousand words, and now I will let the picture do the talking!

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